Our articles.

January 18th, 2021

Digital: Why? For whom?

Although digital transformation is clearly on the agenda of all companies, we must ask ourselves the right questions, especially in smaller organizations, so that this project could succeed (read: ‘generate added value or cost savings’). For which purpose and which target should we launch a digital transformation?

Marc Husquinet

December 10th, 2020

Predictions 2021 – Technology trends for 2021

A new year also means wishes, expressed remotely from now on, due to the coronavirus. It is also the opportunity to lift a corner of the veil on the major technologies which will mark the upcoming year. Therefore, Gartner provides a ‘top of the concepts’ that should hold the CIO’s attention.

Marc Husquinet

November 16th, 2020

Digital transformation. Will Covid-19 boost digital transformation in the long term?

While the lockdown linked to Covid-19 has forced companies to accelerate telework and the implementation of digital sales channels, most observers see the pandemic as an accelerator of digital transformation.

Marc Husquinet

October 21st, 2020

Des graines aujourd’hui, pour assurer la vie de demain ! Aprico Consultants maintient sa politique environnementale et ce malgré la crise Covid19

La pandémie, un tremplin vers une entreprise encore plus responsable, et centrée sur l'homme

Sophie Lupcin

September 28th, 2020

What is Application Performance Monitoring?

Networks used to be comprised of dozens of applications. Today, it's more likely to be hundreds or thousands. As networks become far broader in nature, it becomes more difficult to track down poorly performing applications. The answer is Application Performance Monitoring — the ability to improve and automate application management.

Laila Mahran

July 13th, 2020

Extended reality (XR) And what if extended reality became… reality?

By combining augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR), extended reality (XR) could be generalized as immersive technology over the next five years, thus leaving the leisure field in order to establish itself in the industry.

Bruno van Marsenille

June 24th, 2020

Microservices vs API

Ever since the smartphone was first introduced to the world, software development has essentially changed forever. Gone are the days when apps needed to do everything and anything under the sun to stand out in a crowd. Rather than becoming a "Jack of all trades, master of none," apps are now designed to do one (or a few) things incredibly well - thus creating a competitive advantage for themselves in an era where there's "always an app for that."

Laila Mahran

June 8th, 2020

Robotic Process Automation, Automation as a guarantee of quality and savings

At a time of cost reduction and shortage of IT personnel, RPA or robotic process automation may appear as a solution for automating repetitive tasks. Plus, it can facilitate digital transformation. So, is it the umpteenth term in vogue for the IT industry to enjoy? Or is it truly a disruptive technology? No doubt its success will depend on its integration into the overall business strategy.

Bruno van Marsenille

April 28th, 2020

Edge computing – The link between IoT and the cloud

As the Internet of Things (IoT) gains momentum, a new technology emerges, connecting objects to the hyperscalers’ clouds: edge computing. The objective: shifting computing power as close as possible to the IoT devices.

Bruno van Marsenille

March 25th, 2020

SAM: synonym for compliance, efficiency and agility

For a company, the implementation of a software asset management (SAM) solution has many benefits in terms of compliance, efficiency and agility, not to mention lower costs, time saving and risk reduction – all of this with better governance. Too good to be true? Not so sure…

Bruno van Marsenille

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