About us

Meet Our Experts

Davide Verde
Service Delivery Manager

Davide manages the incidents and makes sure everything works as quickly as possible.

Patrice D’Hondt
Project Manager

Patrice explains how he adds value to his clients through his project management.

Thomas Ashdown
Account Manager

In this video, our commercial colleague Thomas Ashdown talks about innovation and disruptive technologies, and compares them to sex amongst teenagers. Do you agree?

Business Analyst at Aprico Consultants
Discover the function and join us

Discover the job of Business Analyst at Aprico Consultants. Some of our collegues explain their activities.

Alain Mordant
Senior Business Analyst

Alain gives his take on what it means to be a Business Analyst at Aprico Consultants.

Our collegues share Aprico’s vision on recruitment
Human Resource Department

Our HR team clarifies the recruitment vision of Aprico Consultants

Careers opportunities

We’re always looking for talented people.
Are you one of those?